
End to End Akka Cluster Visibility: Logs, Metrics & Tracing

Understanding how reactive applications are executing in a highly distributed environment can be complicated. Looking at traditional log files only gives a snapshot of the whole story and looking at a single service in isolation simply does not give enough information. Each service is just one side of a bigger story. Tracing has emerged as an invaluable technique that succeeds in summarizing all sides of the story into a shared timeline. During this session, we will dive into: logs, metrics and request tracing to troubleshoot and diagnose production issues for services written in Scala.

Session length
40 minutes
Language of the presentation
Target audience
Intermediate: Requires a basic knowledge of the area
Who is your session intended to
Anyone with experience developing applications in Scala utilizing tools and frameworks such as Akka, Play Framework, Lagom, Scala Futures
Hungai Amuhinda

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