Scala combines several paradigms, among which object-orientation, functional programming, and imperative programming.
It is often tempting to use Scala as either a “better Java”, using object-orientation with less boilerplate, or a “worse Haskell”, focusing on purely functional code.
In this talk, I present a style of writing “boring” Scala that embraces and advantageously combines all of said paradigms, in a simple way.
We use functional code as a default, but do not hesitate to use mutability if it simplifies the code, and structure modular components using object-orientation.
Session length
40 minutes
Language of the presentation
Target audience
Beginner: No need to have prior knowledge
Who is your session intended to
Users who want to learn about a coding "style" for Scala that combines several of its main paradigms. This is how I write Scala every day, and the style I would generally recommend. Well-suited for beginners and experts alike.
Sébastien Doeraene
(EPFL - Scala Center - Executive Director)