
Blue Pill / Red Pill : The Matrix of thousands of data streams

Designing a streaming application which has to process data from 1 or 2 streams is easy. Any streaming framework which provides scalability, high-throughput, and fault-tolerance would work. But when the number of streams start growing in order 100s or 1000s, managing them can be daunting. How would you share resources among 1000s of streams with all of them running 24x7? Manage their state, Apply advanced streaming operations, Add/Delete streams without restarting? This talk explains common scenarios & shows techniques that can handle thousands of streams using Spark Structured Streaming.

Session length
40 minutes
Language of the presentation
Target audience
Beginner: No need to have prior knowledge
Who is your session intended to
People interested in building scalable Streaming/IoT applications
Himanshu (Knoldus Software LLP)

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