
Scala ♥ Graal

The #TwitterVMTeam is investing in optimizing the JVM to improve the performance of Scala applications. We’ve migrated to Graal as the JIT compiler and observed a significant performance improvement. The migration also opened the path to implementing optimizations since its codebase is in Java and more manageable.

This talk will present a few performance challenges of our Scala applications and how the #TwitterVMTeam has been working to address them. It’ll cover optimizations for more efficient Future execution and new approaches to deal with the overhead of invokeinterface calls.

Session length
40 minutes
Language of the presentation
Target audience
Intermediate: Requires a basic knowledge of the area
Who is your session intended to
People interested in performance and JIT compilers
Flavio Brasil (Twitter, Staff Software Engineer)
  • Quill
  • Monadless
  • Trane.io Future and Arrow and others

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